When we say ‘cloud, mobile-first, IoT, big data and social networking,’ they aren’t just buzzwords. They are the larger forces at play pushing the security industry forward at a faster pace than ever before. Security Disruptors and What They Mean for You Security is firmly entrenched in the digital age. That means that the industry is now subject to five distinct forces that cause security practitioners to rethink what it means to have a cyber secure physical security solution.
Security Disruptors and What They Mean for You
Security is firmly entrenched in the digital age. That means that the industry is now subject to five distinct forces that cause security practitioners to rethink what it means to have a cyber secure physical security solution.
- Disruption due to cloud computing: Centralized public computing platforms have supplanted on-premise systems as companies move toward more cost-effective and scalable ways to manage physical security.
- Influence of mobile: End-users want the ease of opening doors with smartphones and facility managers desire the flexibility to remotely manage all aspects of their building security and automation.
- Benefits and security considerations of IoT: There is more data available at our fingertips, but we also have more attack surfaces if we don’t improve physical and network infrastructures to address cybersecurity.
- Impact of big data and AI: Once we are past the current barrier of having many small systems that keep data siloed, big data and AI techniques will bring the benefits of large-scale analysis to security as they have to many other vertical markets. The biggest questions are how to integrate and connect our security systems.
- Effects of social networking technologies on identity and access management platforms: Social logins are more than a virtual access tool, they are increasingly used to authenticate ourselves to devices and services in the physical world.
These areas create opportunities, but they also highlight the inevitable need for new ways to protect your most valuable assets. Our President and CEO, Steve Van Till has pioneered the discussion of these changes with his book The Five Technological Forces Disrupting Security. Understanding these forces helps you incorporate new technologies to create the right security solution for your commercial business.